

Web Dev / Graphic Designer / Lifelong Learner

Hey, I'm Nicholas, I have a knack for turning ideas into digital media with soul.

Whether I'm designing websites or marketing collateral, I do so with the intent of creating something that's not only visually pleasing, but genuine. I'm no stranger to Adobe Creative Cloud or Figma, still, I like to begin all of my projects in my good, old-fashioned sketchbook.

When I'm not busy working, I'm spending time with what matters most, family and friends.


  • Front End Design HTML / CSS / JS
  • Graphic Design Photoshop / Illustrator
  • UI/UX Design After Effects / Figma


Album sleeve featuring a stylized version of singer Amy Winehouse. Poster taped to glass window of a coffee shop, featuring a stylized version of the Starbucks siren. Stylized version of a plate of sushi rolls sandwiched between two menus and a tray of soy sauce. Booklet pages spread out alongside an ID-badge, both of which feature an anime-style witch as their mascot. Smartphone shown playing a podcast whose thumbnail depicts cartoon lips shouting. Smartphone showing the actions of someone selecting music from their music library. Desktop screen with two windows open, each one showing a website for music. Desktop screen with two windows open, each one showing a website for movies. Desktop screen with two windows open, each one showing a website for books.

amy winehouse promo

Promotional Artwork / Illustrator

Promotional artwork (album sleeve, signage) designed in commemoration of the late songstress, Amy Winehouse.


celebrate the siren ad

Ad Design / Photoshop / Illustrator

Advertisement collateral (social media ads, in-store signage) designed in celebration of Starbucks 50th Anniversary.


kobe teppan & sushi

Restaurant Collateral / Illustrator / Indesign

Restaurant collateral (ranging from menus to table cards) designed for local restaurant in Arizona. Logo redesigned in Illustrator.


awa convention

Event Collateral / Illustrator / Indesign / Photoshop

Event collateral (signage, brochures, social media ads, etc.) produced for Atlanta's annual anime convention, AWA-Con. Mascot redesigned in Photoshop.


talk to yourself media

Branding / Illustrator / Indesign / Photoshop

Branding for Talk To Yourself Media podcast. Logo designed in Illustrator.


apple music

UI Design / After Effects / Prototype

UI prototype produced in response to heuristic evaluations and usability testing of Apple Music app. Assets designed and animated in Illustrator and After Effects, respectively.


for the record

Web Design / HTML / CSS / JS

Music website features both a guessing game and a contact form built with Java Script.


movie night

Web Design / HTML / CSS / JQuery / APIs

Movie website feautres an API that displays the top-rated movies at the moment, as well as a watch later feature that allows users to save movies to their watchlist.


suzanne collins

UX Design / Rebranding / Figma / Photoshop

Author website redesigned in resposnse to personas, usability tests, and heuristic evaluations. Assets and wireframes designed in both Figma and Photoshop.


  • Album sleeve and a vinyl record.
  • Poster taped to glass window of coffee shop.
  • Restaurant logo surrounded by sushi and menus.
  • Convention program booklet pages and ID-badge.
  • Media company logo featuring two, cartoon lips shouting at each other.
  • Smartphone displaying the thumbnail for an album.
  • Desktop displaying the homepage of a music website.
  • Desktop displaying the homepage of a movie website.
  • Desktop displaying the homepage of a book website.


Resume depicted against an abstract background.